Transforming Contaminated Wastewater into Purified, Usable Water
national laboratories.
The number of entities that have certified our tech to purify polluted water.
the salinity of seawater.
The concentration of minerals our SWAP technology can purify.
billion gallons of water.
The amount of previously unusable water we can clean every day.
billion dollars.
The amount in savings per year we offer by replacing produced water storage.
Water, Water, Everywhere
We turn contaminated water into pure water and dry salt.
We use that water to rehabilitate disturbed land and support agriculture.
Problems We Solve
6 Gallons of Wastewater Per Gallon of Oil
Oil and gas extraction currently creates 26 billion gallons of contaminated produced water everyday.
Pure Water through the Climate Crisis
By 2030, 2.8 billion people will lack access to safely managed water sanitation - we aim to help with our purified water.
Fight Global Desertification
We lose 10 million hectares of forest every year. Just 1% of global desert forestry would offset all CO2 emissions.
Undesert - More than Desalination
Water Purification
We can separate water up to 8x the concentration of seawater from any chemical or mineral.
Stop Desertification
Using the clean water from our purification projects, we grow trees in the desertified land.
Sustainable Products
Our well-watered trees grow like weeds, allowing us to sustainably harvest them for their materials.

Transforming Wastewater into Usable Water
Meet the Team
Nicholas Seet
CEO & Co-Founder
MBA/Auditude Founder/Entrepreneur
Hill Kemp
CTO & Co-Founder
BSChE/Inventor/O&G Scientist
May Akrawi
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